While you sleep, the PurSleep Vapor Clear SinusBlaster Pack helps to clear and revitalize your sinuses.
The Aromatherapy Systems from PurSleep are made especially to go well with CPAP therapy.
PurSleep's Passive Diffusion gently scents your therapy air as you sleep with one of several calming, revitalizing scents to enhance both your mood and the comfort and compliance of your CPAP therapy.
Don't simply savor the calming, gentle aromas of Pur-Sleep Aromatherapy at night—it's also a terrific way to employ CPAP and BiPAP therapy at night. By positioning your Pur-Sleep Diffuser tray in front of windows, fans, and air conditioners, you may also brighten your days.
Aromatics have long been recognized as a powerful tool for fostering emotions of peace and relaxation.
When you want calming, natural vapors that can safely enter your sinus, nasal, and throat passageways, the Vapor Clear SinusBlaster Pack is the perfect choice. Two essential oil bottles, four diffusion wafers, zipper storage bags, and one diffuser tray are all included in the Vapor Clear Pack.